Easter Lily Order Form

The Worship Committee invites you to participate in a special decoration of our Sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Live Easter Lilies will be provided by interested donors in memory of, or in honor of, loved ones. Names of donors and those remembered will be printed in the bulletin. Your Easter Lilies will be ready for pick up following the 11:00am Easter service on March 31. Lilies left after the service will be donated to Peterson Hospice.

Easter Lilies are $12.50.  You may submit the form more than once if you would like additional honorees. The deadline for placing an order and payment is due by Monday, March 25.

Please visit our Giving Page to make your payment for each honoree. Under the One-time Fund option please select ‘Flower Fund’ and then enter the total amount for the Easter Lilies you are requesting. If you have any questions please contact the church office at (830) 257-3310.

Before making a payment, please ensure that you have submitted the form. During the online payment process, select the one-time gift when you are checking out. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 830-257-3310.

If you would rather you can download the form using the button below. Please fill out the form, attach your check our cash to your order form, and return to the church office by Thursday, May 5th. Each carnation is $1.00. Designate red (in honor of) or white (in memory of). You may submit the form more than once if you would like additional honorees.