Wherever you are on your journey of faith,
you are welcome here.

Sunday, June 2: Faith and...Adult Summer Series begins
Summer Sunday Series Join us as we explore the many ways in which faith impacts all aspects of our lives. We will gather in Ryan Hall at 8:45am for coffee and fellowship, class begins promptly at 9:00am.
Summer Sunday School Series
All Church Dinners

The 4th Wednesday of every month.

Beginning at 5:30 pm in the Family Life Center

Click here for information on the next scheduled ACD
Pop Up Market

With help from Schreiner men’s basketball team.

The Food Bank truck on average delivers 10,194 pounds of food and 35+ volunteers make it ready for the people who come.

The food bank reaches an average of 107 Total families on one Saturday morning.

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Sign the online Friendship Register

A Faithful Response

Each year the session must adopt a balanced budget to support the ministry areas of First Presbyterian Church Kerrville. The budget is based primarily on the pledges being offered and the anticipated expenses for the coming year. Your pledges and giving are very import-ant and become your statement of faith showing that you value the mission and ministry of the church. Numbers on the reverse side reflect current budget numbers as the 2023 budget is still in development.

2022 has seen us continue to move past the Coronavirus challenges of recent years. We have enjoyed Jack and Barbie’s presence in our congregation but rejoice in the fact that a perma-nent pastor is on the horizon, to complement the excellent staff which we maintain. Programs are continuing to grow in numbers as was evidenced in the successful completion of the mini-cam-paign to support construction of the final home in the Maude Jennings Habitat for Humanity sub-division. Great opportunities await us at FPC Kerrville, and Stewardship season is the time to help us plan for an even better 2023.

2023 will bring the 20th anniversary of our “New” Sanctuary as well as the 100th anniversary of the Schreiner Chapel. Let’s honor these two to-gether by celebrating the history of FPC Kerrville and the steadfast commitment to our mission of service in the community.

Your pledges and gifts enable us to expand our services to those in need both locally and glob-ally. With God’s continued blessings, we truly are: A congregation building a community of disciples, growing toward God-centered worship, Christ-centered service and Spirit-led lives.

Won’t you join us and answer the call?

Answering the Call

The Stewardship Drive 2022-2023


What is a Pledge?

A pledge is an estimate of giving in a particular year. It is not a binding contract. It is an intention you make with God and the church to live a certain way and give a cer-tain amount from God’s blessings in your life.

Why do you want to know how much money I’m going to give?

Your pledge makes it possible for the Session to create a spending plan for ministries, staff, mission, worship and congregational care in the coming year. Your pledging is important to fiscal planning.

How will my pledge make a difference?

Pledging is a spiritual discipline in which you say with all areas of your life, “Jesus Christ is Lord.” Also, by pledg-ing you can invest in something that has a lasting value that changes lives and makes a difference for advancing God’s purpose.

What does it mean to “tithe”?

Simply put, tithing is giving one-tenth of one’s income. Under Mosaic Law tithing was an obligation. The Christian understanding of giving is to give cheerfully according to one’s means. It is always sound in making a pledge to ask, “How much can I give and still meet my other obligations?” Tithing is a worthy goal, with our treasure but also with our time. How much are we willing to give of our entire selves?

Stewardship Tree

Three ways to pledge

Bring your pledge card to worship on Dedication Sunday – October 23, 2022. Or…

Mail in your pledge card or bring it by the church office. Or…

Set up your pledge online at www.fpkerrville. org/give. You’ll see several options of plans and methods of giving on our secure, online platform. Contact the church office for assistance regarding online giving.

First Presbyterian Church is a Presbyterian Church USA congregation building a community of disciples, growing toward…

  • God-centered worship,
  • Christ-centered service,
  • And Spirit-led lives.

Additional Information

On any given Sunday the music will be led by our chancel choir, directed by Mr. Seth Lafler. Dr. Sabrina Adrian is the church organist and plays the grand Jehmlich organ you see at the front of the Sanctuary. Together, these two talented musicians help to bring the worship music to life. Often they will invite local and visiting guest musicians that adds to the beautiful congregational music at First Presbyterian Church.
The Sunday morning worship services are usually about an hour.
Wear whatever makes you comfortable. Some men wear suits, others wear slacks and golf shirts. Some women wear dresses, others wear slacks and blouses. We’re just glad you’re joining us!
No. This is not our table; this is Christ’s table! All baptized men, women and children are invited to celebrate the sacrament. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month at both services.
Children of all ages are welcome in worship! There are special children’s worship bags in the narthex with activities associated with the Sunday worship service. Childcare is available for infants through children who are in Kindergarten. The childcare room for infants and children up to age 3 is in room 106 (the yellow room), which is located at the back of the Education Building. Children age 3 through Kindergarten are cared for in room 504 of the Family Life Center. Many of our young children participate in worship until after the Conversation with Children. After that, one of our parent volunteers or our Director of Children’s Ministries will meet the children in the narthex and take them to the appropriate room for extended care until worship service is over. Parents may pick up their children after worship, but please let us know if someone other than you will be picking up your child.
You may park on Jefferson Street in front of the church, on Earl Garrett Street or Washington Street (on opposite sides of the church), or in the back parking lot which gives you easy access to the Education Building and the Family Life Center.

You can call the church office at 830-257-3310 or fill out a Visitor card located in each pew. Place the completed card in the offering plate or hand it to an usher, pastor or elder. The elders gather at the chancel each Sunday. Feel free to speak to any of our staff during the week. They’re here for all of us!