Whether you are here to join in worship, find community, explore online resources, or serve God, we are glad the Spirit led you to this place! We hope to connect with you and explore together how God is calling you to be part of this loving and supportive community. Whether you are new to the church or grew up in the faith, know that we are excited to welcome you!
First Presbyterian Church offers two traditional worship services at 8:30 and 11:00 am (Our Communion service takes place at 11:00 am on the first Sunday of every month) and several opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship for all ages. If you can’t make it in person, you can join our morning worship offerings online on our website.
We are a member of The Presbyterian Church (USA) and strive to be a welcoming community of faith where all who seek to follow Christ have a place to serve and belong regardless of political views, socio-economic status, race, background, gender, or sexual orientation. We believe that we are freely loved and accepted by God. Therefore, we offer our love and acceptance to all people.
The church is located at 800 Jefferson Street, between Earl Garrett and Washington Streets, just one block east of Sidney Baker (Hwy 16).
The main Sanctuary is on the corner of Washington and Jefferson Streets. Most services are held in the main Sanctuary.
Historic Schreiner Chapel is on the corner of Earl Garret and Jefferson Streets.
Children’s Corner Preschool, the YES Center and the Family Life Center can most easily be accessed from the church parking lot with entrances on Earl Garret and Washington Streets.
Lost? Call the church office at (830) 257-3310 and we will point you in the right direction!
The Sunday morning worship service is usually about an hour.
Children of all ages are welcome in worship! There are special children’s worship bags in the narthex with activities associated with the Sunday worship service. Childcare is available for infants through children who are in Kindergarten. The childcare room for infants and children up to age 3 is in room 106 (the yellow room), which is located at the back of the Education Building. Children age 3 through Kindergarten are cared for in room 504 of the Family Life Center. Many of our young children participate in worship until after the Conversation with Children. After that, one of our parent volunteers or our Director of Children’s Ministries will meet the children in the narthex and take them to the appropriate room for extended care until worship service is over. Parents may pick up their children after worship, but please let us know if someone other than you will be picking up your child.
You can call the church office at 830-257-3310 or fill out a Visitor card located in each pew. Place the completed card in the offering plate or hand it to an usher, pastor or elder. Feel free to speak to any of our staff during the week. They’re here for all of us!