Children’s Ministries
At First Presbyterian Church we take the nurture of children seriously. Through worship, fellowship, service and education, we seek to form our children in the patterns of Christian faith. Most recently, through conversation with the parents of our young children, we have shifted faith formation from traditional Sunday School to a pull-out program during worship. Children’s Church is receiving two thumbs up from our families.
Come and see!
Children’s Church
Children’s Church is open to children ages 3 through 5th Grade. This time of faith formation takes place during worship which now begins at 10:15 AM. Early in the
worship service, children depart together with their leaders to the education building. The children return to the sanctuary at the close of worship.
Nursery care is available for infants and young toddlers during worship. While you are welcome to keep your young ones with you in the sanctuary, our nursery staff is always ready to help. The nursery is open beginning at 9:45 AM for those who would like to settle their child before worship. We are also on the lookout for young ones who are ready for nursery care following the children’s message. The church nursery is located across the breezeway in the preschool building. An usher will be happy to assist you.
Other Events
Parents’ Night Out, midweek suppers, and service through Hope’s Kitchen are just some of the ways our children and their families gather to support one another and grow as friends in faith. We are a friendly group always eager to make new friends. We hope
you will plan to visit soon. For more information about Children’s Ministries at First Presbyterian Church, please contact Susan Shaw-Meadow, Pastor for Faith Formation at (830) 257-3310 or email at To learn more about Susan, click here.
June 3rd—June 6th, 1:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m.
Rising 1st Graders—Rising 6th Graders
Come explore music, movement, art, and STEM as we wonder and create together!
July 23rd-27th, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 pm: Tuesday-Saturday
Rising 2nd Graders—Rising 6th Graders
Come join us for a week of service in our community, worship, and fun! Space is limited. *This camp includes swimming.