
FPCK Worship


The FPC sanctuary was built and dedicated to the Glory of God in 2003. It is an excellent space for worshiping God, celebrating God’s presence in music, prayer, and study. Hearing assistance devices are available.

The entrances to the sanctuary are at the corner of Jefferson and Washington Streets.

Family Sunday School - Room 210, 9:45 am

Upcoming First Presbyterian Activities and Events of Special Interest to Families


Register online!  Go to “grow” and then find “children’s ministry” to go to the registration form. 

Sunday School

Sanctuary Flowers

Would you like to provide flowers for worship on a Sunday? Please contact the church office and sign up for the Sunday of your choice. You may take your flowers after the worship service, or you can choose to donate them to hospice through the church office.

As we celebrate a happy event or remember someone with affection, we may wish to mark the occasion with chancel flowers for the sanctuary. These flowers may be taken home after the worship service or may be designated to be distributed to hospice patients by way of Peterson Hospice. Please let the church office know if you are interested in providing flowers and sign up for the Sunday of your choice.